14/03/25 Update from Andrew Ball, Rolls Royce Motors Re Traffic Congestion on Stane Street
Westhampnett Parish Council
Further details regarding our approach to the congestion topic.
1. A programme of urgent actions was agreed at Board level this week to reduce the current congestion and ensure that shift changeover traffic flows smoothly.
2. A full analysis has been undertaken and has identified that early arrivals for the second shift are a significant contributor to the problem.
3. A company-wide communications campaign is in preparation to ensure full and unequivocal understanding of our parking rules – including permitted arrival and exit times - and our disciplinary process will be clearly reiterated to swiftly address any non-adherence.
4. The Board has also authorised replacement barrier systems to support authorised access to car parks and enable comprehensive data capture, with installation starting next week.
5. We will be carefully monitoring the situation and hope to see improvement in the coming weeks.
Contact Information
Beccy Anderson
- 07354990243
Find Westhampnett Parish Council
Westhampnett Community Hall, Hadrian Drive, Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0FP